Are we there yet?

 Whether you have ever said, or have been around kids and heard, “Are we there yet?”; it is an iconic statement to which most everyone can relate. When I heard my kids say this, I typically had a reaction, even if they posed the question lightheartedly, an underlying irritation, “just be patient, or enjoy the ride” was bubbling just under the surface.

With this in mind I am ever curious why, when it comes to personal development, does this question “Are we there yet?” still linger below the surface.  I know the journey is not linier, I know there is not an island where it all turns out, yet there it is tricking me into believing just for a moment that there is a “there” to get to; arising when I hit a rough spot and needling me into feelings of despair.

I recognize this old familiar “part” of me that, for reasons to be discovered, wants to push me into believing that I should continue to strive and reach the unattainable, unreachable, never quite satisfactory place called, there.

What if we start from a place of wholeness and not deficiency? We are enough just as we are, complete and capable. My invitation is to start here, you have arrived and have always been “there”, just the noise of doubt has blocked the view.